Monday, April 4, 2011

Searching for the green...the stress of tax season!

Is it possible to live a pure and simple and stress free life? Sure, why not but for some like myself filing annual tax returns is one thing that is like a huge boulder on my shoulders.  I do it because I am required to by the federal, state and city laws regardless of the anxiety, and stress is causes simply in the "knowing" that it must be done not to mention the time in preparation and money that is about to fly out the door. So much for a pure and simple "stress free" life. So I breathe and carry on my duties as a full time procrastinator would do to relieve "stress causing" obligations. Lord knows I wouldn't want to get sick over this because that would just end up costing more money, time and guess what, more stress! Anxiety and stress as a root cause have been linked to many illnesses and diseases. I find that having a sense of humor can help wipe it all away. Procrastination can be a wonderful motivator too, (I'm very good at it). So the clock is ticking (do they do that anymore??) as it approaches the point of no return I am rummaging through piles of credit card statements and receipts desperately searching for "justifiable" income. Three AM still not done but have had enough. Grateful that there is a tomorrow. Nine AM must cancel volunteer commitment. This is too important! Okie-dokie must buckle down again but a shower is the plan, then lunch, then, hmm what else?? Hey, what's happening on Facebook?..Wow it's 2:45PM...That gives me 'bout a little over an hour to crunch some numbers...OK I made it! I'm here and I'm only 6 minutes late.  Great news, the sweating time is over and half the numbers I crunched, I didn't need anyway. Lesson learned. To help relieve stress from doing things that piss you off because you have to do them, don't procrastinate! But if you do, do so with a sense a humorHonestly there is no need to put off what one could have done a month ago! And I found some green in the end too!!

Many blessings!

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